Research project AEQUALIS4TCLF focuses on the (approaching) shortage of practical skills needed for a future-proof, more digital European clothing and textile sector.
Together with partners from as many as seven European countries – Czechia, Croatia, Lithuania, Finland, Slovenia, Serbia and the Netherlands, the professorships of Jose Teunissen and Troy Nachtigall are helping to develop new curricula needed to enable a sustainable and digital industry.
These curricula are badly needed: textile consumption has exploded in recent decades and poses major environmental challenges for the EU. The project starts with an analysis of the skills needed within the sector to meet these challenges, and then builds these into new partnerships and incentives for education. The project is also strongly committed to promoting social inclusion and safety in the sector. These values will be an integral part of all workshops and guidelines aimed to be developed.
Besides universities and colleges, also contributing to the project are partners from the industry, vocational education, and both national and international trade & employers’ associations. AEQUALIS4TCLF started on 1 March 2024, for the duration of four years.
- The European Apparel and Textile Confederation – EURATEX (Belgium)
- European Confederation of the Footwear Industry – CEC (Belgium)
- Confederation des Associations Nationales des Tanneurs et des Megissiers de la Communaute Europe – COTANCE (France)
- Tekstiili – Ja Vaatetusteollisuus Finatex RY (Finland)
- MODINT b.v. (Netherlands)
- Lithuanian apparel and textile industry association (Lithuania)
- Asociace Textilniho-Odevniho-Kozedelneho Prum (Czechia)
- Zveza inzenirjev in tehnikov tekstilcev Slovenija (Slovenia)
- Croatian Chamber of Econoy CCE (Croatia)
- Privredna Komora Srbije (Serbia)
- Tampereen Ammattikorkeakoulu OY (Finland)
- Foundation Hogeschool Van Amsterdam (Netherlands)
- Klaipedos technologiju mokymo centras (Lithuania)
- Technicka Univerzita V Liberci (Czechia)
- Univerzita Tomase Bati Ve Zline (Czechia)
- Solski Center Celje (Slovenia)
- Sveuciliste U Zagrebu (Croatia)
- Univerzitet U Kragujevcu (Serbia)
- Obrtnicko Uciliste – Ustanova Za Obrazovanje OD (Croatia)