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8 May 2024

The seven themes that guide our research program

Who bears the risk for overproduction? What is the ultimate sustainable material? Is natural always better? On 26 February and 5 March 2024, together with a diversity of practice partners, we brainstormed on the themes and questions most relevant in the transition of the textile sector for the parties within our consortium.

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22 February 2024

Data-flow for circular textiles

On 21 February 2024, the Dutch consortium of TEXroad Foundation together with TexPlus Foundation and the Estonian organisations Saku, Lääne-Harju and Humana Estonia met in Zwolle where they shared their experiences in shaping the data flows needed to drive the transition to circular textiles. After the presentation we had an enlightening interactive session. Some of […]

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2 February 2024

Circular Textiles Twente programme finalized. Partners continue.

From 2019 to 2023, the TexPlus partners cooperated intensively within the Regio-Deal programme Circular Textiles Twente, co-sponsored by the Twente Board, Province of Overijssel and the State. On 30 January 2024, they presented the results of this programme to around 150 attendees at an informative and interactive closing meeting in Enschede. In three workshops, […]

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16 January 2024

Circular Textiles chain breakthrough project

In a new Circular Textiles project, 150 textile entrepreneurs and organisations are making their chains circular. They are doing this by using renewable, sustainable raw materials. In this way, they save materials, reduce their CO2 emissions and contribute significantly to an economy where waste does not exist. It includes reuse internationally, reuse in the Netherlands, […]

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15 November 2023

Partners NewTexeco in the Press

As of September 2023, former minister Ank Bijleveld is the new chair person of the Twente Board. During the Twente Event on 1 November 2023, Ank wore a dress made of recycled textiles, designed and made by Karen Kolkert from Goor. The dress is the result of a collaboration of several TexPlus partners. The fabric […]

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23 September 2023

NewTexEco officially launched

Thursday 21 September 2023 saw the official kick-off of this fantastic collective at ArtEZ in Arnhem. This was grandly celebrated together with the programme team, the consortium partners, the Executive Boards of the three UAS’s and other interested parties from networking. The cooperation was sealed by the CvB chairs of the three universities of applied […]