Samira Boon

Samira Boon is a textile architect. After completing her training as an architect, she lived in Japan for four years, where she started her design studio in 2004. Her knowledge of Asian culture was further enhanced during a one-year stay in Seoul to collaborate with Korean companies and designers on various projects and an exhibition on folding. Returning to the Netherlands, she began developing 3D-origamite textiles that combine the adaptive and sensory properties of materials with research into automated production techniques. Working closely with architects, these textile structures are used to improve space use, climate regulation and acoustics. Through (inter)national lectures and workshops, Samira Boon is regularly invited to share her expertise on textiles and her knowledge of the Japanese market. She has taught at design institutions such as Design Academy Eindhoven, Academy of Architecture Amsterdam and Seoul National University of Technology. She currently holds a teaching position at the Royal Academy of Art (KABK), The Hague.