
The three NewTexEco UAs’s – ArtEZ, Saxion and HvA – have workshops and labs that are important for our research. These include traditional and modern machines for various textile operations (weaving, knitting, etc.), but also 3D scanning equipment, for example.

In time, we want to make these labs accessible to students, teachers, researchers and partners of NewTexEco. This is not yet the case.

This section is still under development. Not all workshops, lab facilities and equipment are already listed here.
For more information or questions about accessibility, please contact lab coordinator Leslie Eisinger.

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Fritsch Pulverisette 25

Test equipment
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Van Galenstraat 19, Enschede

Device for pulp analysis. For reducing sample material max. 120 x 65 mm to 0.2 – 6 mm. Samples milled down to small sizes (8, 4, 2 and 1 mm) allow for better dissolution and analysis of textiles. This is done in preparation for the XRF, Viscometer, SEC, muffle furnace and wet spin line. Contact: […]

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ZSK JCZA embroidery machine

Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Van Galenstraat 19, Enschede

This technical embroidery machine is part of the prototyping facilities. It can be used to embroider yarns, but also to stitch flexible materials and sequins onto textiles in complex designs. An example of application is the use of sensors and conductive materials in embroidery. Contact: textiellab@saxion.nl

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CCI Evergreen Sample loom

Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Van Galenstraat 19, Enschede

The CCI Evergreen loom is suitable for weaving textile samples on a small scale (50x200cm). The machine can use up to 20 shafts to weave more complex patterns. The loom is part of Saxion’s prototyping facilities. Contact: textiellab@saxion.nl

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Spectro Xepos C XRF

Test equipment
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Van Galenstraat 19, Enschede

The Spectro Xepos is a spectrometer and is used to observe the concentration of elements. An application example is taking measurements for the safe spinning of lyocell. Contact: textiellab@saxion.nl

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SI analytics Viscometer AVS 470

Test equipment
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Van Galenstraat 19, Enschede

SI analytics Ubbelohde Viscometer AVS 470 is a viscosity measuring device for capillary viscometers that does not require an additional PC.This measuring device is used for determining the average degree of polymerisation of polymeric materials and is part of the chemical recycling lab. Contact: textiellab@saxion.nl

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Physical/Digital equipment
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, AMFI
KMH, Mauritskade 11, Amsterdam

A 3D scanning device that digitizes fabric textures and surface properties, capturing details like color, depth, and structure for realistic use in virtual design applications. The VIZOO is part of the Physical-Digital Textiles Lab Contactpersoon: Tetiana Yeromina